Sunday, March 11, 2012

Home Sweet Home

Sunday afternoon brought a new chapter to this journey.
Another move.
Another room.
But this time it was to a place to call home.
A friend of mine was recently called a "power-nester" for her ability to almost instantly turn an empty apartment into a warm and inviting home, I laughed when I heard the term, but I think I'm the same way.

I left my hotel room around 2:30pm today- The crazy American chick with two giant suitcases, a duffle, backpack, bright pink "New York" bag, and flowery pillowcase with a monkey head sticking out of it. Needless to say, on the short walk from the hotel entrance to the street (just a few short yards) I got more than three strange looks and giggles from people walking along the street as they watched me cross the uneven sidewalk and try to hail a taxi. Now that I write this, I realize what a spectacle it must have been!

The short trip was not without casualties and I regret to inform you that the wind knocked my pillow off its perch on top of one of my suitcases and landed it in a puddle of water on the side of the road.
I was very sad.
In fact, it distressed me so much that I almost named the blog after the event, but upon further consideration decided that finally moving into my new home was indeed more important than a whole blog documenting the demise of my pink flowery pillowcase housing my fuzzy pillow, fuzzy blanket, and fuzzy monkey.

We finally pulled up to a tall white building with a blue roof.
Apartment 701. My new home.
I walked into my room and was surprised to look out my window through the haze and mist to see a small ship on the sea!  An ocean view. Boy, I never thought I'd have this privilege! I predict my window seat will be my new favorite place. :)  After about an hour and a half, my once empty room looked like home. Geoffrey my giraffe and my baboon that carries so many fond memories on one shelf, my scroll from Mengzi on the opposite wall, my furry blanket on my bed, and Nemo (of course) who was very happy to come out of the vacuum bag resumed his rightful place on my bed.

**As a side note, vacuum bags pretty much saved my life this trip....seriously- who would have guessed I could take my pillow, blanket AND Nemo with me half way across the world?! I am definitely not complaining.**

I was welcomed with a vegetable stew and grilled cheddar cheese sandwich for dinner!!!! Ah, what a sight for sore eyes. Only a week, but I was already craving my beloved cheddar cheese. After dinner: fellowship with a few sisters- a time of quiet meditation and contemplation. Also, a message brought from a brother from New Zealand. A beautiful picture of the family we have. I have only been in my new home for a few hours, but already I feel as though I've been here for a good while. Now that I am not lulled to sleep at night by the taxi horns honking or buses and trucks driving by, or noisy hotel guests.... I  am really starting to appreciate the work here- and I am so excited that my father has brought me to this place to grow and serve.

Psalm 23:1

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