Saturday, May 5, 2012

Blessings in disguise

The birds sing, the children yell and the jackhammer pounds away.
Day two in bed. So I suppose I have had better days, but how can I complain? I have been given a roof over my head with a view of the sea, I have a rotating fan next to my bed on one side and an air conditioner on the other. I have warm soup just a little ways away and have been blessed with friends who care.
It is easy to get bogged down when your body is not up to speed, but I must not lose sight of all that has been given me.

This morning I lay in bed because any movement would make me dizzy, and listened as the rain cascaded from the sky- seven floors up is just above the tree tops so I get to hear it as it filters through the leaves. Such a beautiful lullaby- I dared to lean up to peak out my window to get a view of the light rain and I was greeted by a soft wind as it tousled the tree tops and rain as it landed in the fish pond below. Something so fresh and cheerful about it- though I have no clue how a rainy day can seem cheerful when you are sick...He must have just been opening my eyes to His beauty in spite of any physical ailments. I love it when He does that!

All this time in bed has allowed me to finally finish my book that I have been working on for quite some time entitled "Because He Loves Me". I wanted to share a quote from it- think on it.

"‎"On the days when you feel as though you'll never get it, you'll never please him, you're such a failure, you must remember the lavish gift: his great heart pumped blood through his veins and then out his wounds so that he could bless you. This perfect blood streamed down his body and tumbled through space, pooling on the earth beneath his feet... trampled on by those who stood below jeering. It mingled with the dirt he had created, and from it grew your hope. And then, on the days when you believe you're finally getting it, finally pleasing him, when you think you can look in satisfaction at your goodness, you'll need to look at that blood in satisfaction at your goodness, you'll need to look at that blood even more closely. Take yourself to Calvary and stand there until all your good works seem to you as they really are: vile sludge purified only by the cleansing flow"

Yesterday, I went to work in the morning and had a "this is why I teach" moment. One of my little Korean boys who I have had quite a time struggling with, tapped my knee and leaned over and said, "Teacher, teacher! YOU! I love you, I love you!!" His precious face sparkled as the words came out of his mouth and I thought back on the difficulties we have had since my arrival two months ago. This is the same boy who would hardly same "hello" in English much less Chinese as he is learning three languages at the same time at the young age of six!
That same day, one of my little Chinese girls came over and gave me a hug. This is the same little girl who would not come near me since I had arrived. We had struggled through learning letters in the alphabet and learning to be quiet during quiet time, and here she was for the first time not shying away from me as I gave her a hug.
These truly are the moments we teach for- all you teachers out there know what I mean. These moments are worth so much more than any paycheck or good recommendation on a resume because these are the moments that last.

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