Wellll, Summer's here!! And so the sultry Xiamen days continue. The entrance of summer brought a move to a new part of town and many new, un-had adventures.
School finished suddenly with my head English teacher me telling me last Friday, that it was to be my last day teaching for the semester. I was quite surprised, but as finals were rapidly approaching, I knew my days were numbered- I just didn't know how numbered. :P
I was incredibly sad to leave my 800 students without so much as a goodbye, but I will be able to go back and speak to each class after finals and give them my "Jai you" speech as well as get some final class pictures. (stay tuned for those! :)
I will be teaching a summer camp for a week in July for all of the teacher's kids who want to attend an English camp. I will be the only teacher for the week, but contrary to the 50 students per class I had all year, I will only have 15 students all week! I'm excited for the smaller numbers and anticipate watching Daddy do something cool with these kids. :)
Unfortunately, I will not be going to the USA this summer as finances and scheduling did not allow it, but lately my heart has been yearning to go for a long walk in a field, a long ride in an orange grove and a good meal at Rib City. While I will not get any of these experiences here this summer, I know that He has something much more exciting planned here.
Like I mentioned earlier, my roommate and I recently moved away from our home for 2 years to the other side of the island. The rent was sky rocketing as many foreigners and tourists were flocking to that area and it was no longer a practical place for us. The area we moved to is much more quiet and friendly. We are already making new contacts and friends and really sense a peace and assurance with the decision to move. We readily see His blessing in this move and are excited to continue watching Him work in new ways! I am also excited to continue exploring the new area. We are only a block away from the beach and got our first typhoon to welcome my first days of summer. Only a Florida girl could really enjoy something like that! :P
With the new move came many expenses. In China it is customary to pay rent by the year or in 3 month increments. This plus a one month extra deposit has brought it's financial difficulties. Please pray with me that Daddy will continue to provide as he always has. I confess my faith has been greatly tested recently with regards to finances, but something keeps me holding strong that my God will never forsake me and always provides for what He orders.
Also please remember us as we are meeting many new people, that Daddy's light and love would not return void- as he so wondrously promised! Already, I sense that he has a grand plan for us in this new place and I am so excited to be a part of it!
I have re-signed for another year at my middle school for next year and have been informed that I will not be able to move up with my class of 800, but will have another 800 new students next year in 7th grade. I am sad, not to be with my co-teachers from this year or my beloved students, but am honored that I have been given the opportunity to teach 800 new students.
Looking forward to the summer months and a less hectic work schedule as well as some sun time and juicy summer fruit. I'm starting the P-90X Extreme Yoga program soon in my living room, so that should give me something to do this summer! :P
Grace and Peace be with you always!
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