When I was in high school, a friend and mentor told me I had a bad case of the "what if's"...
The following is an old journal entry from Nov 2012 that I recently stumbled upon.
Good questions.
What do the answers look like for you?
"What would happen if we all just slowed down?
Instead of working so hard to keep up with everyone around us, we just set our own pace...
What if we dictated what we did with every moment and the only standard we had for our time Scriptural principle?
What if we focused every day on doing right and bringing all the glory to God.
What if we only had three goals in life?
To seek God
Love mercy
and Walk humbly with our God.
What if we just didn't care what "they" said?
What if we were the pace setters?
What if we actually meditated on Scripture so we knew what was wrong and what was right- instead of asking everyone around us."
What if we actually trusted God to be who He says He is, rather than who we think/expect Him to be?